Not all Heroes Wear Capes - The Story of a Young Entrepreneur
Introducing another young (11 years of age) proudly neurodistinct entrepreneur Jasper
We received a wonderful email from Jasper and his mum, which not only brightened our day but also shared exciting news about Jasper's new business venture. We wanted to pass it on to our community to inspire you to chase your dreams. Additionally, we hope some of you might connect with Jasper for a custom-made survival band (his contact details below). Well done, Jasper! Impressive!
From Jasper's mum, shared with permission:
"Kai, you are an ABSOLUTE inspiration and remind me so much of our son, Jasper. We love your products and have loads... not so many recently as our funding has been cut. Jasper is an Autistic, ADHD'er who's also Dyslexic. He's found school really tricky this year and is now homeschooling (unschooling). Like you, Jasper is also an entrepreneur and has found his passion (and confidence) with his new business idea. He loves anything survival and outdoors. He's big into BMX, Mountain biking and pretty much anything dangerous. His business is making and selling survival bands and key chains at a local market. I'll pop his Facebook link below. I just want to thank you, as Jasper’s Mum I know he'll be able to do what he loves and succeed like you are.
-Fleur (Jasper’s mum)"
From Jasper:
"Hi, I’m Jasper, I am 11 years old and love the outdoors. I particularly enjoy mountain biking, geocaching, and spending time in the bush. My small business, ‘SURVIVAL BY JASPER’ was inspired by going to bush school and the movie ‘Mad Max’.
My survival bands and keychains are not only fashionable but could literally save your life!
In a survival situation, simply undo the paracord and you have up to 11 feet.
Uses may include, but are not limited to:
•Replacing your tent guy-lines
•Replacing your shoelaces
•Tie gear to your backpack
•Make a washing line
•Wrap a tool handle
•Build a shelter
•Create trip wires!
•Fishing line
•Make a fire
•Build a raft
•First aid – use as a tourniquet
And of course – to look fashionable!
All orders are custom made, just for you :)
To order, email Jasper at survivalbyjasper@gmail.com
Connect with Jasper on: