Crazy Aarons Putty - POKE 'N DOTS

Putty that crackles, pops, and snaps! The asmr factor elevates this putty to NEXT level awesomeness!
This blend of rainbow-colored beads make up Poke’N Dots. Perfect your popping techniques to hear the magical sounds. The “poppabilities” are endless!
Thinking Putty® helps build hand and finger strength through a fabulous tactile play experience with unique, unexpected properties and provides relaxing, yet stimulating interaction for anyone with sensory integration issues.
Thinking Putty® is non-toxic, won't dry out, and won't leave a sticky or slippery residue on your fingers, so it's great for stretching, molding, bouncing, tearing, popping and playing by kids and adults alike.
More suited to responsible teens and adults who could use it and then put it back in the tin. Not for those who are likely to wander around with it, dropping it, putting it down etc. Can stain and stick to clothing and objects so bear that in mind when deciding if suitable for the user. The tin lid can be super tricky to get off as the putty can 'secure' itself to the lid, Patience effort will get you there lol...
Materials : Non toxic Silicone
90g of putty in each tin.
Please note that the tins are not full, in fact don't fill half the tin. These are made in USA and the nature of the product, not a fault. As a result in transit the putty can distribute around the tin making it look empty. It may look as if its leaked out but it wont have. You just need to gather up the putty into a form again.
Some suggestions for removing putty from hair & carpet:
Please note these are suggestions only. May vary depending on type of carpet/materials - please seek specific advise relevant to surface.
Hair: Use baby oil, a generous amount of hair conditioner with warm water. Massage around the scalp and where the Therapy Putty is in the hair. Gently comb through. Once removed, wash with shampoo.
Fabric/Carpet: Scrape off excess. Spray with WD-40 and let sit for a few minutes. Respray. Wipe off the stain with cotton balls. Then use sponge/cloth dampened with dish soap to wipe remaining residue. Please note these are suggestions only. May vary depending on type of carpet/materials - please seek specific advise relevant to surface.
Non toxic but not for ingestion. Not suitable for 3 years and under. Supervise children with use.
Not suitable for 3 and under due to choking hazard.